What our customers say about us . . .
As recognized experts in application availability, SIOS helps IT keep their most important applications available in today’s complex computing infrastructures. With over 80,000 licenses installed globally in a wide range of industries, take a look at some SIOS customer reviews and request your free trial today.
“SIOS DataKeeper seamlessly supports any storage volume recognized by Windows, and this substantially simplifies operations while enabling us to utilize all of our storage resources,”
“SIOS DataKeeper gave us an easy way to move our business-critical SAP ERP system to the Microsoft Azure cloud while meeting our stringent SLAs for availability, disaster recovery, and performance.”
“SIOS easily meets our data replication requirements and minimizes the amount of downtime so that our patients can continue to receive the highest level of care.”
Carroll Hospital Center -
“The SIOS software exceeded our expectations. Implementation and ongoing administration is easy and we have had zero downtime since we implemented our SIOS DataKeeper SANless clusters.”
Cayan -
We were able to go from testing to production in a matter of days. Ongoing maintenance is also quite simple, which we expect will minimize our operational expenditures associated with high availability and disaster recovery. If it were not for SIOS, we might not have been able to migrate our environment to the cloud.
Chris O'Brian Lifehouse Hospital -
“Everything just worked. And the cost of three servers and the SIOS solution was less than the cost of one of their old servers.”
Comport Consulting -
“The SIOS software has allowed us to create a hybrid solution that provides the cost savings of running on-premises and the reliability and flexibility of running in the cloud. Because we know that if there is a website outage, it will failover automatically, our IT team can now focus their attention on other priorities to strengthen our business.”
Epicure -
“By enabling us to use a clustering configuration in the cloud in the same way we would in a physical environment, the SIOS DataKeeper software made it possible for us to migrate to AWS without sacrificing application protection or changing the configuration of our existing system at all.”
Gulliver International -
“The SIOS DataKeeper Cluster Edition software is a good technology for a company that is growing rapidly. It is easy to use and eliminates the need to buy unnecessary SAN hardware or redundant switches.”
Mavis Discount Tire -
Even if a problem occurs, LifeKeeper automatically fails over from the primary server node to a secondary node in an instant, and operation continues without any noticeable delays for the users. It saves IT time and eliminates service interruption for customers.
Mitsubishi Motors -
We have been using SIOS DataKeeper for several years now, and it has proven to be the most rock-solid piece of software we have. It just works.
With any clustering technology, you need to be wary of what you’re doing to avoid having failover fail. But with SIOS DataKeeper, the system pretty much just manages and maintains itself…It just works!
“When moving to the new architecture S/4HANA and if clustering is required, we will implement SIOS DataKeeper because we trust it.”
Toyo Gosei Ltd. -
“We recommended SIOS DataKeeper software because it was the only solution that could enable our client to move from a production environment to a fully supported Windows Server Failover Cluster – and to do so without disruption to business operations that rely on SQL Server.”
UpSearch -
“We have tested our file server with both DFS replication and AlwaysOn technology. Neither delivered an automated disaster recovery solution to match SIOS DataKeeper, which fully addresses our DR requirements.”
Van de Lande