
High Availability for Airports, Aviation Services, and Airlines

SIOS clustering software provides comprehensive protection for a wide range of
applications used in the aviation industry, including baggage handling, departures/arrivals
boards, reservations, self-service kiosks, catering management, spare parts inventory &
logistics, security video management, access control systems, and many more.

Key Benefits

SIOS clustering software provides comprehensive protection for a wide range of applications used in the aviation industry, including baggage handling, departures/arrivals boards, reservations, self-service kiosks, catering management, security video management, access control systems, and many more.

In today’s complex airport environments, downtime is not an option. Airports rely on a vast array of digital infrastructure to ensure smooth operations, from ground services to security systems. SIOS High Availability (HA) and Disaster Recovery (DR) solutions are designed to protect these critical systems, ensuring continuous operation and preventing costly disruptions.

  • Flexibility: SIOS high availability solutions protect Windows and Linux, applications on-premises, virtual, cloud, multicloud and hybrid cloud environments
  • Provide Superior Protection: Protects your entire application stack with high availability clustering, continuous data replication, and disaster recovery functionality
  • Application Recovery Kits (ARKs) automate configuration and ensure reliable failovers in compliance with application-specific requirements
  • Make Clusters Easy: Supports physical, virtual or cloud environments and a wide range of storage architectures
  • Validated Solutions: SIOS products hold a wide range of validations, including Milestone XProtect, Azure HA, Nutanix, AWS Well Architected product, and many more.
  • Cost Saving: Efficient replication engine minimizes network traffic—without hardware accelerators or compression devices.
  • Saves labor cost by automating data replication tasks using an intuitive management console

Protecting Ground Operations

Ground operations are a critical component of efficient service delivery, security,
and overall customer experience. SIOS HA solutions, including SIOS
LifeKeeper and DataKeeper software, safeguard a wide range of vital systems
involved in ground operations including, baggage handling, and common-use
bag drop systems, airport management systems, and spares logistics. Our
software ensures that these essential services remain operational, even in the
face of hardware or software failures, keeping your airport running smoothly.

Enhancing Passenger Experience

A seamless travel experience starts with reliable passenger processing
systems. SIOS HA/DR software enables airports and airlines of any size to
enhance the passenger experience by eliminating service disruptions and
downtime for critical systems. Our solutions protect everything from reservation
systems to self-service check-in kiosks, arrival and departure display systems,
and common-use passenger processing systems. This ensures that
passengers enjoy a smooth journey from check-in to boarding, while airports
benefit from streamlined operations and reduced costs.

Access Control and Security

Security is paramount in any airport or aviation infrastructure. SIOS software
provides uptime protection for critical security systems, including access control
and video surveillance systems that restrict access to sensitive areas to
authorized personnel. In the event of a downtime incident, SIOS’ simple, cost efficient clustering software for either Windows or Linux solutions automatically
restore application operation in minutes.

Video Surveillance Systems

SIOS protects leading video surveillance management
systems (VMS) that monitor and ensure passenger safety.
SIOS LifeKeeper and DataKeeper products are validated
for use with leading VMS providers, including Milestone
for XProtect. By safeguarding these systems, SIOS helps
maintain a secure environment for both passengers and

Airports and Airlines of All Sizes

Whether your airport digital infrastructure is on-premises or
in the cloud, SIOS products deliver full application availability
and disaster recovery protection. Airports and airlines of any
size can rely on SIOS to keep their critical systems running,
ensuring that operations are always at their best.

Zero Downtime Maintenance

With SIOS solutions, airports can experience significant operational benefits:

  • Patch critical systems without downtime
  • Lower on-site infrastructure and facility costs
  • Reduced on-site administration requirements
  • Decreased deployment time and faster provisioning
  • Enhanced scalability and resilience
  • Simplified airline application updates and sandbox testing
  • Leverage existing infrastructure and support teams
  • Increased control over server administration
  • Local execution of end-user applications

SIOS Keeps Your Airport Running

Ensure critical flight operations and ground handling systems
are protected with SIOS High Availability and Disaster Recovery
solutions. Contact us today to learn more about how we can
help maintain the uninterrupted, secure operation of your airport
and aviation-related applications and services.


Case Studies

HA/DR for Retail