How to Perform Performance Testing Replication with SIOS DataKeeper

HA Performance
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Configuring replication for a production database can be a pretty daunting task especially if you have not done your research in advance. This blog will cover many parts of the trickiest aspect of setting up your environment properly… performance. Understanding these key points will put you ahead of the pack and ensure your production Go-Live does not have any last minute hiccups.

The first and most basic point to consider is choosing the correct mirror type for your
configuration. SIOS DataKeeper comes with two options for mirror type during the
creation process, Synchronous and Asynchronous. Either of these options have their
own benefits and drawbacks depending on your environment.

Selecting Mirror Type

Synchronous mirrors excel best in LAN environments with high speed connections and
provide 1:1 write consistency at time of commit to the primary system. However if the
network, or target storage is unable to keep up with the throughput of the primary
system you will see reduction in write speed to maintain synchronous write consistency.
Therefore synchronous mirroring would not be recommended for WAN or high latency

Asynchronous mirrors however are perfect for a WAN environment. Asynchronous
mirrors provide all the same functionality of ensuring 1:1 write consistency between the
nodes, but the difference is that writes are committed to the primary system before the
write is committed to the target system. This is possible due to the utilization of a bitmap
also known as an intent log, a bitmap tracks all of the changes that occur on the system
at a block level and writes data to the target as quickly as it can through a backlog
known as a write queue. The write queue can be limited by number of writes or total MB
in data and when the limit is hit the mirror will pause and the data will sync, preventing a
failover while the data is not in sync.

Hardware Configuration:

Now that you have decided which mirror type fits your environment best it is important
to understand that DataKeeper is not magic, DataKeeper can only write and replicate as
fast as your systems allow so having hardware capable of achieving the throughput
needed by your applications is crucial. Here is some advice and tips for ensuring you
have the hardware needed to achieve your replication goals.

  1. Ensure that your Primary and Target systems have identical storage
    hardware. For example target IOPS should be equal to the source IOPS.
    Otherwise the slowest component in the environment will prove to be the
    bottleneck of the write speed. Matching hardware will always provide better
  2. Understanding the importance of the bitmap, the easiest and cheapest way to
    provide a significant boost in performance is to store the bitmap on its own
    dedicated high speed storage. The bitmap is very small so provisioning a 5 or
    10GB SSD will be sufficient and provide great return on performance
  3. Test the standalone hardware with an understanding that replicating data will
    introduce some overhead. For example if you have a requirement to attain
    10,000 IOPS in your environment, ensure that your hardware can at a bare
    minimum attain consistent 10,000 IOPS standalone on all nodes that will be part
    of the cluster. If you are intending to perform synchronous mirroring ensure that
    you have beyond the bare minimum requirements as further overhead is
    introduced to maintain synchronous consistency. Network will also need to be
    load tested to ensure you can transfer the data required for your replication
  4. Know how to test properly. When utilizing a test environment to verify
    production capabilities it is important to mimic the setup as closely as possible. It
    is understood that you cannot set up an entire production database clone just to test
    replication but utilizing the correct data generation tool can provide better
    indication of current performance capabilities. Diskspd is a free tool that can be
    used for some basic testing, but in the world of SQL, HammerDB provides a
    much better indicator of real world performance.
  5. Lastly we have DataKeeper tuning, there are configurable settings beyond the
    mirror type within DataKeeper. Modifying these is generally a bit more nuanced
    and best done under the advice of the SIOS support team. However if you have
    confirmed that all of the other recommendations are squarely in place then tuning
    some DataKeeper parameters may provide that last boost in performance
    needed to meet your required metrics. Some examples of tuning would be
    increasing the number of outstanding writes that can be in your write queue or
    modifying how often the bitmap file is flushed to disk.

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