What’s New In SIOS Protection Suite for Linux | Devin Haynes

SIOS is helping make the transition from On-Prem to Cloud easier.

As a Senior Scrum Master, Devin Haynes is in charge of development teams for SIOS Technology. One of her primary tasks is making sure the developers have everything they need to do their jobs, which entails removing any impediments, helping with planning, and anything else, outside of coding, to help teams move forward and keep on track for releases.

SIOS is also responsible for the SIOS Protection Suite for Linux, which has some new features geared especially for cloud environments. With the latest release, the company is offering what they call an internal load balancer, which helps customers track traffic to the correct active node through a health check probe. The health check probe finds, in the application, where the node exists and makes sure all incoming traffic is directed to the correct, active node.


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