SIOS Technology Corp. announced top technology predictions for 2022

High Availability Protection for Storage will Become Standard – Simple backup of data storage is no longer sufficient. Regardless of whether the storage is NFS, SAN, cloud-native shared storage, or replicated local storage, companies will increase protection levels for their data storage – both on-premises and in the cloud – to include HA/DR protection.

Companies will Reconsider On-Premises Data Centers in Favor of Cloud – Some companies that moved business-critical applications into the public cloud are now considering either a reverse migration or a hybrid-cloud configuration for three main reasons: unpredictable cloud fees; data sovereignty requirements for companies that are subject to regulations that require them to keep data within their company’s geographic borders; and the need for in-house control over IT infrastructures.


Recent News & Press

Lessons from the NFL: Avoid an Identity Crisis

So, how did a team that was architected to thrive with a balanced attack based on running the ball, falter? In his article, Jones outlines that while the Chiefs were a good team, the crux of the matter comes down to a loss of identity during pressure by the Ravens. And while you may not be a Ravens fan or a Chiefs fan, there is an important lesson for HA experts, “Don’t lose your identity when the pressure rises.”

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SIOS LifeKeeper for Linux Admin Training available on Udemy

SIOS Admin training, previously accessible primarily through prescheduled bi-monthly events, is now available on-demand through Udemy.

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