Real-time Analytics News for Week Ending August 19

SIOS Technology Corp. has partnered with ACP IT Solutions GmbH Dresden. ACP IT will provide software distribution services for SIOS DataKeeper and SIOS LifeKeeper products as well as level 1 support services in German for those products to its customers to help them achieve high availability for applications, databases, and file storage both on-premises data centers and in the cloud. As a SIOS Technology partner, ACP IT Solutions will harness the power of SIOS software and technologies, which include failover clustering software that protects critical applications, databases, and ERPs such as SQL Server, SAP HANA, Oracle, MaxDB, and CAS genesisWorld from downtime and disasters.


Recent News & Press

Lessons from the NFL: Avoid an Identity Crisis

So, how did a team that was architected to thrive with a balanced attack based on running the ball, falter? In his article, Jones outlines that while the Chiefs were a good team, the crux of the matter comes down to a loss of identity during pressure by the Ravens. And while you may not be a Ravens fan or a Chiefs fan, there is an important lesson for HA experts, “Don’t lose your identity when the pressure rises.”

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SIOS LifeKeeper for Linux Admin Training available on Udemy

SIOS Admin training, previously accessible primarily through prescheduled bi-monthly events, is now available on-demand through Udemy.

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