Looking forward to 2021: high availability in a rapidly changing IT landscape

2020 has been a year of change and often intense pressure on technology teams. Cassius Rhue looks ahead to 2021 and considers how organizations may use 2020 as a springboard for further development in the areas of high availability and disaster recovery.

For IT teams (and everyone else), 2020 was a year of rapid, disruptive change. Among other things, IT teams suddenly had to support remote workforces – often with limited access to their on-premises data centers / centres. Business operations for entire industries had to change rapidly and creatively to stay competitive – putting unprecedented pressure on IT. Many IT teams responded to these pressures by moving critical systems into the cloud faster than they ever thought possible. Most are prioritizing systems and processes that keep critical operations running automatically and without adding complexity to their already complex environments. Some quickly realized that high availability and disaster recovery was also a must for this migration.

So, what will these changes mean for IT in the coming year? Here are a few predictions to consider:


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