5 Top IaaS Trends in 2022

Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) gives users access to actual cloud-hosted physical and virtual servers, storage, and networking.

IaaS is growing significantly in popularity and differs from platform-as-a-service (PaaS), which gives users access to compute and storage.

Here are some of the top trends companies and IT teams are seeing in the IaaS market:

1. Elimination Of Downtime 

People, these days, are less tolerant of downtime than ever.

As the cloud providers typically guarantee service availability levels far in advance of what is easy to achieve in house, IaaS is the beneficiary of the need for service now.

“The tolerance for application downtime is diminishing to near zero,” said Cassius Rhue, VP of customer experience, SIOS Technology.

“As a result, IT teams are far less accepting of highly manual, unreliable application protection. They are increasingly demanding HA/DR that just works and applications that operate without interruption.”


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