Announcing AWS Quick Start Deployment Templates for SIOS SQL Failover Cluster

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AWS Quick Start Templates Deploy SQL High-Availability Failover Cluster in the Cloud

Many businesses are struggling to deploy a high-availability failover cluster for SQL Server and other important applications in the cloud. This is because you need shared storage to create a SQL failover cluster. Shared storage is not available or practical in most public clouds. As a result, Many IT teams kept SQL on-premises. Their experts in IT network, storage, and server would take months to plan, order, install, and configure physical environments for HA failover clustering. Finally, they would spend spent thousands of dollars upgrading to SQL Server Enterprise edition to gain advanced clustering capabilities.

SANless Failover Clustering Enables Cost-Efficient SQL High Availability Protection in the Cloud

Today, SIOS DataKeeper Cluster Edition is the first HA/DR solution to combine fully automated, application-centric clustering and efficient data replication. By integrating seamlessly into Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC), it enables a WSFC to work in a cloud where shared storage is not possible. SIOS DataKeeper works by synchronizing local storage in real time using highly efficient block-level replication. In this way, creates a SANless cluster to protect your Windows applications in the cloud. You can use it to protect SQL Server Standard Edition without the need for costly upgrades to SQL Server Enterprise Edition.

Quick Start Templates Make Deploying a Failover Cluster in AWS Easy

Now companies can easily deploy a two-node high-availability failover cluster automatically using an AWS EC2 Quick Start deployment. System administrators and managers can simply purchase the SIOS Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) on AWS Marketplace. They can use the AMI to deploy a two-node SQL Server Standard Edition cluster in the AWS cloud using an AWS Quick Start template.

Quick Start templates are automated reference deployments for key workloads on AWS. Each Quick Start launches, configures and runs the AWS service required to deploy a specific workload on AWS. Importantly, the templates use AWS best practices for security and availability. As a result, Quick Starts eliminate manual steps with a single click – they are fast, low-cost, and customizable.

The SIOS AMIs on AWS Marketplace provide an easy, convenient way for customers to purchase SIOS DataKeeper software to protect business critical applications in AWS. You can use them to deploy a high availability cluster using cost efficient SQL Server Standard Edition in the cloud.

Customers can purchase SIOS DataKeeper through the AWS Marketplace at:
To learn more about the SIOS DataKeeper Quick Start for AWS Cloud, visit:
To learn more about the SIOS DataKeeper Cluster Edition for High Availability in Cloud Deployments:

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